Wednesday, October 31, 2007

KKras's Halloween!

Happy Halloween, Dunderheads!
It has been two seasons since Devon was fired. (I know, who was that?!) Well, you know you can count on me to recall that the actor's name was Devon Abner.
Today, when I got home, I changed into a homemade Angela costume. I did my hair just like her and I would put a picture up, but I didn't take any. Sorry.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Especially to you, three-hole punched Jim. And the Sith Lord Dwight. (reference to their Halloween costumes from season 2)



Zabe said...

I REALLY don't understand what Three-Hole Punched Jim is. Can someone please explain that to me??

Michelle said...

It's just Jim with 3 black circles taped to his shirt! He's like a piece of paper that's been 3-hole punched! Geddit? B/c he works at a paper company??? Oh, to be honest, I don't get it either but Jim is so awesome he don't need no reason!! :)