Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Rainbow Quote...Gay Pride? Yay Oscar!

I'm doing this in a different color today. I'm sick of plain black writing all the time. In the spirit of the song, "Grace Kelly" by Mika (thanks, Lee), I will use a plethora of colors.

"Studies have shown that todat's at a crossroads....You've come a long way, baby. But I want things to stay within reason. Because in Albany they ended up turning a break room into a lactation room."

Can anyone remind me what context this quote came from? Normally, I can remember the episode in which it was said and the whole scene surrounding it, but I'm absolutely stumped with this one.


Oh yeah, there's like 10 quotes below for those of you who haven't checked recently.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wowey Zowey! 10 Quotes!

Hey just a reminder to check the post before this regarding Rainn Wilson's privates...

Now on to quotes!

"Can I have everyone's attention, please? I just wanted to say that the women in this office are terrible. Especially the ones who wrote that stuff in the bathroom about Michael. Having a bathroom is a privelege. It's a ladies' room. And if you can't act like ladies, then maybe you won't have a bathroom."

"I didn't go to formal business school, that is true. But in a way, I went to the best business school of all: Tony Robbins's Three-Day Personal Power seminar. Did you know, Tony Robbins's watch costs more than I make in a year?"

"The people I respect- heroes of mine would be Bob Hope, um Abraham Lincoln, definitely, Bono, and probably God would be the fourth one. And I just think all thouse people really helped the world in so many ways that it's really beyond words. It's really incalculable."

"If I changed the life of one person...just one person...well, okay, one is aiming pretty low. Let's say I change the lives of five thousand people...ten thousand...okay, five thousand, I'd be satisfied for starts...."

"Pizza. The great equalizer. Everybody likes pizza. Poor people like pizza, rich people like pizza. White people like pizza, black people like pizza....Do black people like pizza?"

"Toby is in H.R., which means he technically works for corporate. So he's not really a part of our family. Also, he's divorced, so he's not really part of his family."

"There are several ways you can tell if a perp is lying. The liar will avoid eye contact. The liar will cover part of the face with his or her hand, especially the mouth. The liar will perspire. Unfortunately, I spoke to Oscar over the phone, so none of that is useful."

"My proudest moment here...was a young Guatemalan guy, first job in the country, barely spoke English. Came to me and said, 'Mr. Scott, would you be the godfather of my child?' Wow, wow, wow....Didn't work out in the end. We had to let him go, he sucked."

"I've been Michael's number two guy for about five years. We make a great team. Michael is like Mozart. And I'm like Mozart's friend. No, I'm like Butch Cassidy and Michael's like Mozart. You try to hurt Mozart and you're going to get a bullet in your head. Courtesy of Butch Cassidy."

"Should I have reported Oscar's malfeasance? Probably. But now I know something he doesn't want me to know...and I can use his malfeasance to establish leverage. Otherwise, it's just malfeasance for malfeasance's sake."

So anyway, I guess it's time for me to go scour the internet for Office-related videos again.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Holy Crap I Have So Much News!

Hey Dunderheads, I have big news and I saved the best one for last...
PS Dwight and Holiday?! Puh-lease!
  1. Angela Kinsey is in fact, having a girl! :) Congrats!
  2. "Leatherheads" is coming out in the spring. (John Krasinski is in it and I'm totally planning to buy one ticket opening day and just staying in the theater until the last showing so I will end up watching it a total of like 5 times on opening day and then repeating that pattern for every Saturday that it is in theaters if anyone cares to join me.)
  3. The episode that was written before the strike but wasn't filmed yet is about Michael having a dinner party with only a few of the people from the office. This came straight from Jenna F's mouth at the SAG awards, so whether this is going to be filmed or not, that is what she said.

So yeah...


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Rainn Wilson and his wife Holiday.

Yea, I don't think so.
Mrs. Schrute<3


VERY IMPORTANT: The URL name will be changing as of tomorrow, Monday February 11th to I'm basically doing this because I'm tired of typing in that long name (and triple is spelled wrong, lol). I could just put it in my favorites, but I decide not to. So keep in mind this will be changing!!!!
Mrs. Schrute<3

Friday, February 15, 2008

National Holiday

Happy National "That's What She Said" Day!! How appropriate for me to be saying this!

ThatsWhatSheSaid =] .. It's basically my birthday!

Thursday, February 14, 2008





Happy Valentine's Day!

Wow, KKras, that's really interesting. I had no idea there was a limit on the amount of letters in the title. That just blows my mind.

I just want to wish everyone a happy valentine's day!

PB & J forever! <3
Angela & Dwight <3
Angela & OHHH D! <3
Kelly & Ryan? <3 ... I haven't made up my mind about them yet.

Any other interesting Office Romances? Loves It!


Happy VDay and KKras With Another Quote and A Reminder to Check Earlier Posts (cough Mrs. Schrute and iheartbigtuna)...Wow This Is A Really Long Title

Did you know that there is a limit on the number of letters in your title? Fascinating stuff, huh?
This quote is perfect for today, as it is Valentine's Day, for those of you who are clueless.

"I actually like Valentine's Day in this office....It's kind of like grade school- people hand out little presents and stuff. Like, last year Jim gave me a card that had Dwight's head on it- it was horrifying and funny."



PS...JKras sent me a Valentine :) Jealous, much?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Shameless Plug

So, did anyone else catch Angela Kinsey on "Free Radio?" There's this really stupid show on VH1, which is supposed to be like a Howard Stern radio kind of show, but it supposed to be funny and sarcastic, but it's actually just annoying. Well Angela Kinsey was on there, where this guy, im guessing the "host" of the radio, was like bashing on "The Office," right in front of poor Angela! Now, I have no clue if this is all scripted or rehersed, but this guy went on saying how our favorite show made no sense, and how the camera angles were stupid. You basically just have to see it for youself. I congradulate Angela Kinsey on sticking through the interview, and not just walking out, as I would have done.


The answer to the questions from yesterday will be posted, once more people decide that their valuble time is worth taking the two seconds it takes to answer my amazing trivia questions. Hah!

KKras Next Quote

"Women are like wolves, you have to trap it....Then, to keep it happy, you have to tame it. Feed it, care for it. Lovingly. The way an animal deserves...and my animal deserves a lot of loving."


PS Remember to scroll down to see the awesome news and like 10 quotes I recently posted.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

KKras Is Loving Life Right Now

Hey good news:

"Comedies will be able to return to air the quickest with new episodes, in as soon as four to six weeks. NBC's "The Office," for one, had one script ready before the cast walked out at the start of the strike. The show hopes to have five to 10 episodes starting in April or May.Also on NBC, there is a demand for the same amount of new episodes of "30 Rock" especially in the wake of its success at the Golden Globes."

I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. to those of you that care (like me), Saturday Night Live is expected to return Feb. 23

Two for One Deal

Today, because I was slacking yesterday, there will be two trivia questions. First of all, the answer to yesterday's question is : brain food. Sorry, it wasn't a really good question. My brain hurt.

Today's first question is: How did Michael discover improv?

Today's second question is : Where did the missing $3000 go?


Quotes Galore

Okay, okay, cool your guns, ThatsWhatSheSaid... I'm sorry I've been so slackerish about posting the quotes. I was just in a sort of depression, one may say, but now that the strike is over, I will be more diligent about posting. I'm sorry.

"What do we know about this bird? You might think, not much... but we do know some things. We know it was a local bird. Maybe it's the same bird that surprised Oscar that one morning with a special present from above."
-Michael, at an office funeral for a bird

"I'm a provider for my workers, i.e., family. I give them mone... I give them food- not directly, mostly through money. And I heal them. I'm in charge of picking a great new health care plan... Does that make me their doctor? In a way. Like a specialist."

"If I left, what would I do with all this useless information in my head, you know? Tonnage price of manila folders, Pam's favorite flavor of yogurt, which is mixed berry."

"'Hug it out, bitch.'...That is what men say to each other after a fight....Not a good idea to say to a woman however, I have found. It doesn't translate."
-Michael, embracing Dwight

"Pam and I are buddies....I'm kind of her go-to guy when she's having problems...with work, or her fiancee, ... or, well, those are pretty much her two problems."

"That is offensive. Indians do not eat monkey brains....And if they do, sign me up. Because I am sure that they are very tasty and nutritional."

"It's a real shame...but studies show that employees get more information about their company from water-cooler gossip than from official memos. This puts me at a disadvantage because: I bring my own water to work."

"I love ladies. Always have. You know what my favorite part of a woman's body is? The brains. Because a woman is not beautiful unless she is smart. Also, the brains are what tell the heart to do freaky, nasty stuff in bed."

"Movie Monday started with training videos, but we went through those pretty fast. Then we watched a medical video. Since then, it's been half-hour installments of various movies, with the exception of an episode of Entourage, which Michael made us watch six times."

And finally, today's...
"Jan is...professional, which is a metaphor for cold. We make a good team, like Lenny and Squiggy. Except I'm like Lenny and Squiggy, and she's like a stone."


Sunday, February 10, 2008

At Last, Someone Answers My Question

Hooray! The writer's strike is almost over? I'm hearing much speculation that the writer's strike is coming to close and our beloved show may be coming back soon! Yay!

The answer to yesterday's question is : Toby! Awww...poor Toby. I don't know why Michael hates you so much. Toby = Amazing!

Today's question is : According to Michael, Cup-o-noodles are __________. As always, I will not disappoint you. Answer and new question tomorrow!


post scriptum: Where in the world are KKras' daily quotes? You're slacking here!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Sorry ... Here's the Answer

The answer to yesterday's question is : pizza! Michael is probably 100% right on that one.

Today's question is : According to Michael, what is "everything that is wrong with the paper business"? Answer question, another answer tomorrow.


Friday, February 8, 2008

Writers Strike Coming To A Possible End

I have learned from a source that the writers strike is 99% over. This means our favorite show, The Office, will be coming back soon! Cross your fingers! The Directors Guild of America has already made a deal. This means that for the Office directors they get a 12% increase in daily rate and increase in guaranteed number of days to 7 days. Results in show rate increase from
$9,009 to $11,760. Whatever that means!


p.s. are you liking my new signature? or you guys want the all caps back?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Another Trivia Question

Sorry guys, nothing interesting has been going on with my life lately. The answer to yesterday's quesiton is Dwight. Hmm...I don't know why some people had trouble with that?

Today's question is: According to Micheal, what is "The Great Equalizer?" Another day, another question, another answer. [THATSWHATSHESAID]

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Did I Stump You?

Did I, THATSWHATSHESAID, officially stump you guys on my last question? What phrase does Michael think is lame? *drumroll* please....DON'T GO THERE!

Today's question is : Who hates it when women want him to drive them to church the next morning? I think this one is relatively easy because of I stumped all of you yesterday. Good luck!


Monday, February 4, 2008

Another Day, Another Day

First of all that was one amazing game last night. GO GIANTS!

Thank you zabe for answering my latest question, everyone else is slacking and obviously does not give much consideration for my amazing trivia questions. The answer to yesterday's question is ... but he doesn't work here!

Today's question is: According to Michael, which phrase is lame?


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Pure Excitement

Currently, I am screaming at my TV. Another fact to prove that I need anger management.

To iheartbigtuna, I'm not getting the whole mix between JKras, Shia LaBeouf, and Squidward. While I love the Giants, I'm drooling over Tom Brady.



iheartbigtuna has an odd comment

I'm watching the Super Bowl right now, and I just noticed something...Doesn't Eli Manning look a little like a mix between Jim Halpert, Shia LeBufe (spelling?) and Squidward??? I'm hoping it's not just me....

Oh, and sorry THATSWHATSHESAID about not answering your trivia questions. Grrrrrrrr, the answer to your last one is on the tip of my tongue...*braintwitches* ...Michael said it because he wanted to have a day off for himself or something, or was it a party??? Was it the Diwali episode??? No, I don't think so. It wasn't the main plot of the show if I remember correctly, he was just venting about something to the camera...grrr, sorry, I really can't I need the answer!!!

Go Giants!!

Writer's Strinke Thing

I'm not sure if anyone realized, but I put a thingy at the bottom of this webpage for news about the writer's strike progress. It had news everyday about what's going on. I didn't take the time to read everything it said today, but they're still working out an agreement. So, yea.
Mrs. Schrute<3

Anger Management...

I, like Andy, need anger management. I am so frustrated at my computer because it decided to screw me over and not let the wireless internet connection work. So that is why I haven't been posting the past few days, and I am deeply sorry and I do apologize for my three-day absense. I have tried to steal some wireless internet connection off of my neighbors, but I decided against it because I'm pretty sure it's illegal.

On the other hand, I have decided to screw you guys over! This is because, no one bothered to take the one minute it takes, to answer my last trivia question. Shame on you! Now no one gets to know how many strips of bacon Michael likes!

Today's question is (which everyone better answer) to finish this quote: "I don't understand. We have a day honoring Martin Luther King...__________" Answer tomorrow. That is if i get my internet connection working. Hmm...are you confused? Haha I'm posting at a friends' house.

And to iheartbigtuna, I have read most of the previous posts. And I must say, they do excel in amazingness. I hope my posts can earn myself a good reputation on BBBG.

One last thing to this extensive post, GO GIANTS!


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Giant Fan of the Giants

I would just like to take this opportunity to say:

Mrs. Schrute<3

Friday, February 1, 2008

Hello Dunderheads

Howdy! Man, is it raining right now!!!

Anyway, yeah, THATSWHATSHESAID, I noticed that the font is fickle too...

Sooooo, KKras, I watched those videos u told me to watch on Youtube. Buhlud was great but The Phone Call was kinda stupid.

Anyway squared, that Foo Fighters video was really strange.

This post is really random.




PS. THATSWHATSHESAID, you should definately make sure to look at all of our previous posts b/c there are some pretty awesome ones!! :)