Saturday, October 13, 2007

All About KKras

Hey everybody, I'm going to tell y'all about my favorite things about "The Office"
Code Name: KKras (because I'm going to marry John Krasinski someday, he just doesn't know about that yet)
Favorite Character: Jim, duh. And Andy a little bit. And Angela and Dwight. Just not Karen.
Least Favorite Character: KAREN :Z I HATE KAREN STUPID STUPID KAREN. SHE'S AN IDIOT AND I HATE KAREN. That was written in red because it's the color of blood and I don't like Karen (if you couldn't already tell.)
Favorite Episode: The Injury, Diversity Day, Launch Party, The Christmas Party, A Benihana Christmas, and the last episode of season 3 and the first episode of season 4 (because that's when Jim ridded himself of the foul creature known as Karen.)
Favorite Quote: From "Diversity Day." Everyone has an index card with a different ethnicity written on it and the officeworkers are instructed to talk to one another using stereotypical remarks and they have to guess what ethnicity they have.
Pam (to Dwight)- "Based on stereotypes that are totally untrue and I don't believe in, you might not be a very good driver."
Dwight- "Oh man, am I a woman?!" (the card on his head actually said Asian)
First Impression of the Show: I thought it was okay, nothing special.
How long you've been waiting for Pam and Jim to get together: Since forever. But then stupid idiot Karen had to come along and screw everything up. Dumb loser Karen. Moron.
Favorite Song Played/Sung on the Office: I have 2-
  1. "Take a Chance on Me"- Andy sang this song to Angela to win her over in "Launch Party." As soon as the episode was over I ran straight for my computer so I could buy it on iTunes. I actually bought the A*Teens version and it sounds like they've had about nine RedBulls before singing the song compared to Andy and his "Here Comes Treble" a capella group.
  2. "You Oughta Know"- Kevin sang this song on the karaoke machine in "A Benihana Christmas." It was amazing. I bought that song, as well.

Whatever Else You Want to Say: "The Office" is amazing and now I don't think I can live without it. Seriously, life without the Office is like life without air. It just can't happen for me. I live for this show. And, I have Mrs. Schrute to thank for getting me into this brilliant piece of comedy. So, thank you, Mrs. Schrute.


Michelle said...

Wait! Holdup! Freeze! Halt!
This season is season 4????? I could have sworn it was season 3??? Wow! Ok, so there are 4 seasons! Man, I have a LOT more catching up to do than I thought!

Kate said...

Don't worry shell. You'll be fine. I promise. I'll loan you season 1 if you want.