Saturday, January 12, 2008

KKras Double Quotage

Hey today I am posting two quotes because I didn't have time to post yesterday.


"A boss is like a teacher. And I am like the cool teacher. Like Mr. Handel. Mr. Handel would hang out with us, and he would tell us awesome jokes...and he actually hooked up with one of the students. Um, and then like twelve other kids came forward. It was in the papers. Really ruined eighth grade for us."



"Am I gonna tell them? No, I'm not going to tell them. I don't see the point of that. As a doctor, you would not tell a patient if they had cancer."

-Michael, on downsizing

Ta Ta For Now



Zabe said...

HAHAHAHA!! See, now those quotes are funny. The one about the teacher is one of my favorites. Extremely gross and disturbing, but yes, funny.

Zabe said...

HAHAHAHA!! See, now those quotes are funny. The one about the teacher is one of my favorites. Extremely gross and disturbing, but yes, funny.

Zabe said...

sorry i posted the same comment twice, didn't mean to do that

Zabe said...

I'm quite fond of the word quotage by the way.

Michelle said...

Heyyyy! Sry I haven't been posting lately, i've been really busy. I just wanted to add my new fav Jim quote, it's kinda sentimental but I love it!! Its in the episode when Scranton branch almost closes and then Jim's boss takes a job at Staples at the last minute. Jim is mad because he would have been promoted if the Scranton branch had closed, but that boss guy messed it up. Jim says,

"Say what you will about Michael Scott, but HE would never do that."

Kate said...

I totally agree- one of my faves, too! Good call, Shell! We can always count on you to think of this stuff!!!