Wednesday, January 2, 2008

KKras Awesome Picture

Hey, Dunderheads, still trying to lighten the mood, and I found this fabulous picture on the internet. It was super sexy, especially Michael making photocopies of his butt. Classy. I think I'm making this picture my background. I didn't know how to put this picture on the side of the blog like Mrs. Schrute, but this is okay. If you'd like this for your background, look up "the office entertainment weekly" on google images. You can also see the special covers for the magazine with all the couples on it. It's so funny.

R.I.P. Season 4



Kate said...

Dudes! Why don't you ever comment?! I love to read things that you write to me. How else will I know if you like the quote of the day, or if you think I'm annoying when I post sometimes two or three times a day. I wish you would comment!!!! My soul is dead enough as it is with the season being cancelled, but now you are all ignoring me!!! :( Oh well, maybe I'm just a spaztic crybaby. Now I feel bad. How could I have gotten upset with my fello office fans? I love you guys. (In a friend way, so don't get any freaky ideas.) Wow. Talk about rambling. ANYWAY, I hope you all liked the picture. (Dwight's pose, by the way, stole the whole shot!! Adios, AmigAs

Kate said...

I apologize for spelling follow wrong. And I'm sorry for my little freakout. Funny story: I had been looking to see if anyone had commented on my posts and I got excited when I saw that this one did. I clicked on it only to realize that it was my own comment. I am truly an idiot and I thank you both for putting up with me. It's a shock to me everyday that you still want to remain friends with my bizarre self.

Zabe said...

See I'm commenting.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEST PICTURE IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!