Thursday, January 31, 2008

Very Anti-Karen at this Point/Cool Links!

Hello everyone. At this point I amd extremely anti-Karen. She does not support the writer's strike at all, and has now ditched the wonderful cast to be on Unhitched. Unless your mother's life is at stake DO NOT WATCH THAT SHOW!! If it's your life at steak, it probally dosen't matter. Unless you are a mother.....?
I know we are going anti-Karen, but here is a link of the Foo Fighter's music video for Long Road to Ruin (Thanks KKras!), staring Rashida Jones. <
Also, I would like everyone to know that does indeed exist! Just click on that link! What happens is, you get to join your own branch in your area! To all BBBG members, there is no branch in our town. Unless we can start our own, I'm not sure. So join a branch in your area, and start selling paper! I actually joined a while ago, but got fired because I never went.
Mrs. Schrute<3

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