Sunday, January 20, 2008

Yay More Quotes and Welcome THATSWHATSHESAID and Happy Birthday Rainn Wilson

"I don't need insurance. I've never been sick. Perfect immune system...superior genes. And more importantly, superior brain power. Through concentration I can control my cholesterol. Raise or lower it at will."

-Dwight, on choosing the office health care plan

"This was an incredible year for the Dundies...We learned Michael's true feelings about Ryan. We heard Michael change the lyrics to a number of classic songs in ways that will ruin them for the rest of my life."


Welcome to the Blog, THATSWHATSHESAID!

1 comment:

Zabe said...

Isn't it weird how Dwight says he never gets suck, yet in the Christmas episdoe of season 2, he explains to Jim that he wants to keept the teapot because he will use it for sinus infections????????????