Monday, March 31, 2008

Yay! Tons and Tons of Quotes

I think there's probably like 5,000 quotes here. I've been very lazy. There's a really good one from Dwight somewhere in there...

"Michael's birthday. It's pretty fun to watch. He gets really excited, eats a lot of cake, runs around, has a sugar crash in the afternoon, falls asleep, and that's when we get our work done."

"They say you should take two steps forward and one step back. That's what I did in the last week. Except I took an extra step back. Then I kind of moved to the side a little. Life is a square dance. And all the men merely...dancers"

"Part of being a boss is recognizing talent- including your own."

"So you are Regionoal Manager and Assistant Regional Manager. Andy is your 'Number Two.' I am Secret Assistant Regional Manager."
-Pam, to Michael

"Today is the Dundies, the annual employee awards's everyone's favorite day....These guys in here don't get a lot of trophies. Like Kevin. Who's going to give Kevin an award? Dunkin' Donuts?"

"Legend has it that a beet of purest gold sometimes grows in the fields of little boys who work double shifts."

"This is exactly what Michael Moore does...he goes up to people with a camera and he's like, 'Why did you do this?'...It's very dramatic. Although, I can't say I was a big fan of Bowling for Columbine, because...I thought it was going to be a bowling movie. Like Kingpin."

"We know he died. Flying into the glass doors....I don't think he was being stupid. I think he just really, really wanted to come inside our building. To spread his cheer and lift our spirits with a song."
-Pam, at an office funeral for a bird

"When I'm playing hoops, all the stress and responsibility of my position melt away. In the zone. It's zen. It's physical....Who am I? I don't know. A basketball machine. What is Dunder-Mifflin? Never heard of it. Filing? Paperwork? Who cares."

"You should be able to sell a lot here. This branch grossed over a million last year. Not that we're all millionaires, of course....I'm probably closest."

"There are five stages to grief...and it's my job to try to get them all the way through to acceptance. And if not acceptance, then just depression. If I can get them depressed, then I'll have done my job."

"The Dundies are like a car wreck where you want to look away, but you have to stare at it because your boss is making you."

Wow, could that have been any longer? 10 MORE DAYS TILL "THE OFFICE" COMES BACK!!!


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