Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sorry for Being Lazy (Again, I Know)


"Okay. This is Times Square, named for the good times you have. In it....So this is the heart of New York City....When most people come to New York they go to the Empire State Building. But that's so touristy. I come here."

"We can't overestimate the vaue of computers. Yes, they are great for playing games and forwarding funny e-mails, but real business is done on paper."

"Football is like rock 'n' roll; but basketball? Basketball is jazz. It's in the pocket, its on the offbeat, it's like what's-his-name, that guy, that jazz guy...if you knew jazz you'd know what I'm talking about...Kenny G! Yes, I knew I'd remember. Jazz people know who he is."

"Why tip someone for a job that I'm capable of doing myself?...I can deliver food. I can drive a taxi. I can and do cut my own hair. I did, however, tip my urologist because I am not able to pulverise my own kidney stones."

And, perhaps my favorite in a long time,

"Retaliation. Tit for tit."


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