Thursday, May 1, 2008

iheartbigtuna reviews latest office episode and can't wait for tonights

KKras, how could you forget when Toby suddenly says he's moving to somewhere in Latin America and then dashes out of the room like a mad man and hops the fence!!! I can't wait to see the awkwardness tonight when they see him at work again!!

I kinda feel bad for Ryan...*sigh* he used to be such a good temp, always trying to make progress and keep the company from falling on it's face, but being a boss has gotten to his head, and now....he's on crack, poor guy....

Anyway, I really liked last week's episode, but I liked the week before's even better when he tries to get people in the office to set him up. Best line:

"Hey, Oscar myer weener...lover..."

Other best line:

Michael: "Can she fit into a row boat? I mean, can an average size row boat support her?"

Phyllis: "I'm not sure I understand what you're asking..."

Michael" "I think I'm being very clear as to what I'm asking. I want to know if she can fit in a -"

Phyllis: "Okay, OKAY! NO, she can't fit in a row boat..."

Can't wait for tonight's episode!!!


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