Sunday, February 3, 2008

iheartbigtuna has an odd comment

I'm watching the Super Bowl right now, and I just noticed something...Doesn't Eli Manning look a little like a mix between Jim Halpert, Shia LeBufe (spelling?) and Squidward??? I'm hoping it's not just me....

Oh, and sorry THATSWHATSHESAID about not answering your trivia questions. Grrrrrrrr, the answer to your last one is on the tip of my tongue...*braintwitches* ...Michael said it because he wanted to have a day off for himself or something, or was it a party??? Was it the Diwali episode??? No, I don't think so. It wasn't the main plot of the show if I remember correctly, he was just venting about something to the camera...grrr, sorry, I really can't I need the answer!!!

Go Giants!!

1 comment:

Zabe said...

OK, I can see Halpert and LaBuff, but Squidward??? Where are you getting that from??