Sunday, December 2, 2007

Celebrity Names: Mrs. Shrute

First of all I would like to take this opportunity to say...IHEARTBIGTUNA YOU ROCK MY LIFE!! You should honstly write for this show we love so much. How long did it take you to think of/write that?? Oh wow, you are seriously amazing.
So, the other day I was thinking about celebirty names and the office relationships and what the names would be. Here we go.
1. Phlob (Phyllis and Bob Vance)- Thanks to Michael at Phyllis's wedding.
2. Dwangela (Dwight and Angela)- That one I found on an icon on
3. PB and J (Pam Beasley and Jim)- Probally one of the most amazing things I've ever heard of, thank you Kevin.
4. Janael (Jan and Michael)- This one I made up. Yea, it is pretty bad.
I had trouble figuring out one for Kevin and Stacy, and Kelly and Ryan, without it being really bad. KKras, I think you would be good at doing something like that. Are there any other office relationships? Well, I think Angela and Andy are together, but I'm not sure how long that will last. We could call then Double A. Tee hee.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Thank you for your complements. But just wait until Monday when I show you all my edited edition with REAL DIALOGUE!!! That is, if I finish it by then....