Wednesday, December 26, 2007

iheartbigtuna shares her Office Christmas gifts with you

I can't believe xmas is over already! This year went by soooo fast!! Anyway, I hope "Santa" was good to all of you...

My parents know I'm crazy about the office, and so I got an NBC store bag full of Office-related goodies!! I got three magnets, one being "I love Jim", a "Support the Rabid" livestrong bracelet and The Office Season Three!!!!!! Now, Mrs. Shrute and KKras, I am more than willing to share the DVD with you guys, but I have to watch it first!!!! :)

Well, I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, or a Happy Hanukka or a Happy Kwanza, and, Mrs. Shrute, have a lovely vacation in Florida while we're all stuck here in the cold....brrrrr....


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