Monday, December 17, 2007

iheartbigtuna realizes a definate sign of this blog's decay

Sorry KKras, but if this blog has come to links of deleted scenes from the Outsiders where Ponyboy showers then I'm afraid we must all sign off from this blog right now and hide under a rock in shame. Sorry, as you can tell I truely despised that movie because it butchered that wonderful book into millions of tiny, microscopic pieces....

Anywho...I was just thinking, isn't it funny how the word "pieces" is spelled with the word "pie" in it...I wonder if it's simply a strange coincidence??

So I DVR-ed the Benihana (spelling?) Christmas episode but with my busy, busy, busy, (did I say BUSY?) weekend I had no time left to watch it. Yes, I know it is my duty to MAKE time for the Office but sadly there wasn't even enough time to make time...if that makes any sense at all.
So I will just have to watch it this coming weekend, which will be much more enjoyable because all the hustle and bustle of holiday prep will be done and over with and I can just lie down on the couch with a jar of Nutella and a spoon and my beloved Office Christmas Special and gain a few pounds...

But until then, I don't think I have any more Office - related to talk/write about and so I should probably just stop typing and go to bed, however I highly doubt that will occur.

I guess I will take the time to mention here that am anticipating the arrival of some extra-special x-mas presents from the NBC store - a "Support the Rabid" livestrong and The Office: Season Three DVD, among others. I can't wait! :)

Also, I will make it clear that I expect KKras and Mrs. Shrute to take advantage of this holiday vacation to fervently write their episodes too end the suspense of our dedicated readers (mainly me)!! JK! Take as much time as you need b/c with all this anticipation, they better be freakin' awesome! (which I'm sure they will be, coming from the 2 biggest Office fanatics I know)

Anywho, I guess it's off to bed for me and so I bid you all "adios" and "ciao" and "farewell" and "sianara" (spelling?) and "bon voyage" and "adeiu" and finally a "Th-Th-That's all folks"!


Michelle said...

PS. I keep looking at the poll for how long the writers' strike will last and every time I confuse the number of people who voted with the number of days left to vote and do a double-take every time I think that seven-hundred and something people voted....

Kate said...

Decay...Hmm...what is this blog's half life?

Michelle said...

Half life!! lol lol lol lol That's great!! :) :)